I’m founder and educator of beauty training, Pink french manicure harrow fast track training center, today I would love to share with you professional manicure in five easy steps manicure table.They say that a bad marchman will always blame his tools here a beauty training harrow, we believe that achieving the perfect finished result lies largely with using the best possible tools available to achieve the perfect manicure or professional manicure, we use a cuticle nippers.A cuticle pusher. A straight edged nail cutters and an assortment of files to use our cuticle nippers, it’s important the size the shape and what it does for you, this one in particular which we have sourced for you is really comfortable to hold it’s got a very sturdy secure hold when you’re working it has a really sharp pointed edge, which is important for precision cutting and giving a really superior cut to your cuticle ‘s.Always apply cuticle remover or softener to your cute code before you use this instrument when you’re using it, please avoid using pulling action or tugging what you really need to do is think of it as a mini scissors and you’re cutting.Methodically in one straight line.We’ve got the cuticle pusher which is an essential to any manicure a stool so it’s really important for you that it does the task and the job that you needed to do very efficiently, you need to separate the cuticle from the nail plate and to do so you needed.To work efficiently for you what you need to do then is once you’ve separated the cuticle from the nail plate, you need to scoop out any old debris and dust anything that may be harboring underneath, so that it frees the area and when it comes to doing your nail polish application, you will see perfect pristine results. The reason I use a straight edge cut or is it just seems to give a much better finish to your nail and you’re less likely to damage somebody’s nails or to take too much.We use an assortment of nail files, and it really is important, which female file you use on on different nails, they go by what are called grits, okay so we have from very.Fine if you think of sandpaper where it can be very fine to very rough, it’s the same with nail files so you need to be careful, which one you use on your nails, not too much friction and always when you’re working on hand nails, it goes from side to center on toenails, it’s always straight across to avoid in growing toenails.