Pick the color which I picked brown dark brown for it from my look today microblading face, I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do, do I got a couple ideas I think I can do, let’s see so it does come sealed and like a film, um, the packaging is very scabbing day by day microblading healing process.Straightforward box has Instagram which is I method beauty on their also has Facebook and the customer number, a customer service email, so does come in there it says, no moisture or.Other brow products on when applying so you wanna make sure that and I’m gonna take a some alcohol and kind of rub my brows just to make sure I don’t have any moisturizer cause I did moisturizing my face before I started, um, so there is steps on how to apply the back see if I get in.Close enough was probably not gonna let you read it but that’s as close as I can get a there’s a north there’s a normal.It’s funny I’m method, one is the normal eyebrow person gently up high, the plan draw on the contour lines of the eyebrows continue to the color, the inside evenly along the brow shape you draw a last step to create a vivid and natural Rao I pretty much have a good.Think for eyebrows, so when I do use brow products I don’t go and too heavy just because it can start looking crazy, the second method is sparse eyebrow person, so someone who.Don’t necessarily have a lot of brow, so if you have like thin thinner brows or not as much hair inside your brows, you can use it, eyes that first sweep away to shape the eyebrows, so let me find the eyebrow pencil to kind of demonstrate, so what you wanna do is to pretty much just sweep it like this which is kind of.Getting the shape right so that it can so that’s what they mean by sweep away to shape the brows contoured and gently.Define the brows from sparse areas, so if you have any missing areas that you want a filling you can um it says finally use the pen fill in the color by a ninety degree angle easily.To create the perfect three d brows, so I’m gonna go ahead and open it, I’m gonna start which I’m excited because zay reached out to newyork Instagram and I was like of course I would try your products and literally I thought I was supposed to get on the twentieth but it came actually and came sooner than that, so this is how the pen looks.If you can see it, it’s kind of gold so or actually Silver liquid eye brow pen, 24 hour waterproof brow.Sense of super durable, so we will see. So I’m gonna just leave one side a way and then the other dry and then you just saw a mood remove.Any moisturizer that I may have put it on my brows when I’m moisturizing my face and I’m just gonna go on with the tri tip side and.Brush that off but it shouldn’t be dry, I’m brushing back out just so I can see where I wanna fill in or if I’m gonna go full or sparse, so let me do the first method or the SEC or I might do one method on one side and then the other one on the other, that’s what I’m gonna do so, the applicator where’s my camera applicator.Looks like this I wish it focused c.That’s how the applicator looks it has like three little notches or actually looks like a comb, so that’s that’s good.Yep, so let’s get to it, let’s see so this side I’m going to do sparsely just because this one is the weather both thick but this one has more of a deeper color to me. So, um.Iii.Oh, I love it.Yeah.And like I said I’m gonna do very sparsely on this.Bro, just because I’m gonna do it. To dig.They’re not always just comb mobile hairs out and you do see the difference in the front, if you can see even up there but once I do my clean up it’s gonna look way better I’m gonna do this one I’m gonna fill in my whole entire bra.But I am using the point like a comb so.Ouch.Yeah.Zach. Thank you.Thanks.Yeah.Ouch.Sept.So I did go in on this side pretty much all over my brow.Yeah. So that’s the difference, this one I just filled in this part of it did a couple of strokes in the front.I didn’t really outline this one a little.I outlined it.Top and bottom and then.I’m gonna use a spoon as well to brush my eyebrow hairs back, I’ll.Nice. SO.They come out really nice, more natural.A natural brown tank which doesn’t look too intense still looks like my room brows, but you can tell a little bit where there is color I am going to clean up my graduate.A three sixty in the maybelline fit me matte pore less.So let me just find the Bush which I should have got one out already okay, I’m gonna use this flat brush to clean up my mouths.Yeah.I’m gonna get my mirror so I can see facts so.Yeah. Yeah.Yeah.And this is the side where I use sparingly so I just filled in a couple spots.And I’m gonna do the.Top and bottom. Yeah.And I came out came on my eyes and do the other side.This is the site where I kind of just went in.Supposed to last 24 hours so we will see.Yeah.HMM. Yeah.Thank you.Yeah.Okay yes, I mean they just take a.I’m not gonna take I’m gonna take a blending brush and kind of blend the foundation found.Since the fluffy brush, it’s found black beauty leave it in thought it was b twelve bug, maybe maybe I’m mistaken not for another brush, but to fluffy blending brush, I love it because it helps blend.Perfectly.Especially your brows.Yeah.Okay, so this is the one that I just fell down, this is the way I use sparingly, this is the first method, this is the second method.I actually like how it came out so might be definitely using this more often it is the um method pin, it is a brow Tech tune pen, supposedly it lasts 24 hours, so we will do a weird test to see if my brows come off by tomorrow, this time so let’s see but.So far so good, I’m liking how it came out it doesn’t have my brows too shiny like some um’s a tattoo pins actually looks very natural so I do recommend, we’re just gonna see if it lasts 24 hours as said.