Particularly, interlinks among the numbers make financial analysis tiresome and complex for a typical businessperson. A solution is to create Comparative Financial Statements, which depicts the results of Horizontal Analysis and show the trends relative to only one base year. The baseline acts as a peg for the other figures while calculating percentages.

Vertical analysis shows a comparison of a line item within a statement to another line item within that same statement. For example, a business may compare cash to total assets in the current year. This allows a business to see what percentage of cash (the comparison line item) makes up total assets (the other line item) during the period. Vertical analysis compares line items within a statement in the current year. This can help a business to know how much of one item is contributing to overall operations.

Using Datarails, a Budgeting and Forecasting Solution

For example, earnings per share (EPS) may have been rising because the cost of goods sold (COGS) has been falling or because sales have been growing steadily. No company lives in a bubble, so it is also helpful to compare these results with those of competitors to determine whether the problem is industry-wide, or just within the company itself. If no problems exist industry-wide, one will observe a shortfall in Sales and rise in the dollar amount of Sales returns.

Coverage ratios, like the cash flow-to-debt ratio and the interest coverage ratio, can reveal how well a company can service its debt through sufficient liquidity and whether that ability is increasing or decreasing. Horizontal analysis also makes it easier to compare growth rates and profitability among multiple companies in the same industry. Note that in this illustration, each line item is shown as a percentage of the total for its category.

Horizontal Analysis of Income Statements

This comparison of income statements will give the manager not only a benchmark for future performance; it will also help him understand what needs to be changed in the future. Another problem with horizontal analysis is that some companies change the way they present information in their financial statements. This can create difficulties in detecting troublesome areas, making it hard to spot changes in trends. Comparability means that a company’s financial statements can be compared to those of another company in the same industry.

How do you write a horizontal analysis?

  1. Select Time Periods. First, decide which periods you will be comparing, carefully choosing comparable periods.
  2. Gather Data. The next step is to identify the data you need.
  3. Calculate the Percentage Change.
  4. Analyze & Compare Results.

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are based on the consistency and comparability of financial statements. Using consistent accounting principles like GAAP ensures consistency and the ability to accurately review a company’s financial statements over time. Comparability is the ability to review two or more different companies’ financials as a benchmarking exercise. Horizontal or trend analysis is the historic review of the financial statements of a company for a specified period.

Horizontal Analysis: What It Is vs. Vertical Analysis

Let us assume that variable expenses on year 1, 2, and 3 were $151, $147, and $142 respectively. In horizontal analysis the percent change is computed by Subtracting the base period amount from the analysis period amount, dividing the result by base the period amount then multiplying that amount by 100. Horizontal Analysis is that type of financial statement analysis in which an item of financial statement of a particular year is analysed and interpreted after making its comparison with that of another year’s corresponding item.

  • For instance, a manager might compare cost of goods sold and profit margin over a two or three-year span to see how efficient the company is becoming.
  • Horizontal analysis can also be used to benchmark a company with competitors in the same industry.
  • This can be useful because it allows you to make comparisons across different sets of numbers.

It can be done with the company’s Financial Statements or with the use of the Common Size Statements. Financial analysis of an income statement can reveal that the costs of goods sold are falling, or that sales have been improving, while return on equity is rising. Income statements are also carefully reviewed when a business wants to cut spending or determine strategies for growth. In this analysis, the very first year is considered as the base year and the entities on the statement for the subsequent period are compared with those of the entities on the statement of the base period.