The very first thing that you need to start with, Holiday nail art if you have your nail polish on is one coating, whew you definitely want to take off all the nail polish from your nails before starting to you’ll be needing your nail polish remover put some in your cotton wool and clean those names before you start it is very important tree, we have a foot spa machine, you can decide to get something like that or something lower you definitely regret this within the rate of a hundred and seventy to fifty Dollar depends on the market depends on the grade and depends on where you buy from if it is too expensive, you can go for this which is not so expensive, you can get this within the rate of six to ten dollars or you can just use a comfortable where you have a home I do use the boat I have a home and it works very well for me for you will be needing a foot soak you can decide to use a salt soak which is also amazing, they’re a different kind of salt, you can use for example you have the sea salt which is presently on the screen, you have your dead sea salt, if you don’t manicure price.To use the sea salt, this very one nourishes, the skin irritated skin and also suitable for skin prone to as EMA, this is how it looks like whenever you’re using any of the salts I Michelle on this video, please use the hundred percent po a sea salt or dead sea salt alright it’s very better and please do not use your table salt, you can also use the episode sought which is also amazing I have used this one and I love it, if you have crack heat, it is way way, better to use salt soaked now if you don’t want to use salt, soak you can decide to use some soap with some bubbles which will make it very beautiful, but note this might not heal your crack here or your foot the way you want it to be, you can also use body wash, in case if you don’t want to spend much on products file you’ll be needing your foot file, I love this food fire, it is amazing and it gives it this small fuel I use it and I love it, you can.Try to get this online, it is very very affordable, and it is the best if you ask me now, if you don’t want to use that you can also buy this I have this as well, it has the fourth side which you can use any side but I normally advise people to use the one with a stone because it helped crack Hughes six you’ll be needing a nicko ta if you have long nails it is really better seven you’ll be needing a critique a Qatar if you have a push-up critical or if you know how to use it properly, but I use this very one on the screen, and I love it and it’s very simple for me. It you’ll be needing a critical pusher to push articles back or you need a woody one this is very very affordable, and you can get one nine you will be needing a foot scrub or food as vito, this is very very important, especially after doing all those to your feet to keep it more hydrated and you can also use this paddy in a box, it is very nice, it has first step one it has the sea salt soak two it has the sugar scrub tree, it has the mask and for it has the bottle, so in case, if you don’t want to spend much you can just decide to buy this petty in a box and it’s quite affordable I think it costs about six dollars and you have a the first step that you need in your pedicure, you have the one with the green tea, the one with vitamin lemon, in fact you have different types, you can check them out, this is not a paid promotion right, you can decide to use a DIY scrub in case if you want to do one at home, if you want to see hi.I do my dear wise crow, put your comments in the comment section below and I will make the video alright the next thing you’ll be needing is a foot mask which also you can get from petty in the box, you have different types, you can Google them out level, you will be needing your toy to tower out your foot, once you are done with all the petty stuff twelve you will be needing your foot moisturizer which is very very important, you can use Africa share but um you can use the normal moisturizer, you can use coconut oil, if you don’t moisturizer food, it’s going to return back from where you started from looking dry and flaky I will advise you to not forget to moisturizer your feet if you are using this paddy in a box, you can see, they have the moisturizer that is why it is nice because they have the first step, you really need some socks to put on after doing all that just to keep the moisture if you do this in the evening.Me, just wear some socks and go to bed and see how your feet will look very moisturizing in the morning the next thing that you want to do this is option, a is using some nail polish if you some nail polish top it off with a top coat just to make it last or you can start by just prepping your knees with a ne prep without nail polish or other stuff, I hope you find this video helpful, I hope you find the least helpful, I hope you find something useful on their list, if you do please do not forget to like, don’t forget to subscribe do not forget to share and give me a piece of soap, if you have any question, if you have anything at all drop it in the conversation will be very very glad to read the link to my Instagram will be in the comments section and also description of us until next time guys stay beautiful and d plus.